Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Stay At Home Mom

Well, I finally have internet! I have been having some serious withdrawals. In fact, I have had a cold for about a week. That is a long time for me. I am certain that my body is punishing me.

I just have to say I HATE MOVING! I used to think that I loved adventure. That I was one of those people that would move and move just for a new experience. Well, this is not true. Actually it might be true if we had money, which we do not. I have been trapped in our dark little basement apartment trying to think of ways to save money. My mom politely tried to tell me that as a stay at home mom, it is my job to save our family money and be creative doing it. Plegh! This is not what I wanted to hear.

However, last weekend I decided to give my little SAHM soul a lift. I attended American Mothers Inc. Interfaith National Conference. It was extremely uplifting. Jane Clayson Johnson spoke, along with Stephen R. Covey and Marla Cilley "The FlyLady." I guess if Jane Clayson can give up her exciting life to be home with her babies, so can I.


SJ said...

You moved? I see. I thought you'd just gone to Wal Mart for a very long time...

Luchy72 said...

You're doing wonderful work...I wish I could be a stay-at-home dad.

Lydia said...

Scaramouche Jones - That is what I keep hoping happened, but I can't seem to find my way back.

49words - Thank you.

Tiffany said...

I'm glad you guys are finally settled. Moving is indeed stressfull, but it's fun to move furniture and start over. You will get used to the stay at home thing, just remember, in order to keep your sanity . . . just relax. It's ok if they don't bathe for a couple of days and eat mac n'cheese for 5 days straight. As long as they are happy and not screaming it's worth it.

Lydia said...

Yeah I guess.

I have found a new love for PB & J. That is what we eat almost every day. I should try mac n'cheese. I like your thinkin!