Monday, February 11, 2008

Welcome back

Well, a lot has changed over the course of this last year. At the end of March 2007, I started working at the last place one could imagine me working: a daycare. One can only work in low income housing for so long before the craziness seeps in. I had started to feel like I was going to lose it when a lady that I go to church with asked me if I wanted a new job. What was I thinking? DAYCARE? ME? I should have have said no when I had the chance. But, I didn't. I started in the 3 year old class room on March 26. By May, I was ready for a change. I moved out of the 3's and started doing accounts receivable. Well, one thing led to another and I found myself doing about 4 jobs for the price of one. Anyhow, that phase has passed me by. I now find myself unemployed. My last day of work was January 25th. What a glorious day (singing) aaaaaaaahhh!

On January 27th at 7:20 PM I started my next adventure. I had a baby girl.

Wow are girls different than boys. She looks pretty much the same, well with the obvious exception of the actual girl parts. She smells pretty much the same, but there is a distinct contrast between her and either of my boys. She is sooooo good. I can honestly say that I have really enjoyed having her around these last two weeks. Oh I almost forgot hmmm (clearing my throat)

Annoucing the birth of Bentley Lyn Hintze.

Weight: 7 lbs. 9 ozs.
Height: 18 inches

Both of the boys are eating her up. They are driving me crazy wanting to love her and hold her.

Hunter has absolutely been madly in love with her!

Remi is a little more standoffish, but he loves getting his picture taken.

Thus begins our new saga!


Unknown said...

I love it... Im so glad you are blogging again! She looks just like hunter in that first pix. I cant believe you have a girl, and Im so glad your enjoying her, and are nursing at the same time.... I love my Sisi, but she is so different than boys. I wouldnt change her for the world though. In fact it is 11:10 p.m. and I am still trying to get her to sleep, she is so nosy, and wants to know every move I make. Be ware... Augghhh GIRLS! Keep posting pix, I love looking at them.

Tiffany said...

Lydia!!!! I knew you were preggars, but you didn't tell me you were having a girl!!!!! Congrats. Little Bentley is so cute and adorable. I am so happy you got your girl!!! Hoo-ray for girls! Oh I am so excited for you I can't even stand it! You look so happy.

You must email me and give me more updates about the boys, you, Stephen's job, where you live, labor - all that stuff!

I miss you Lydee!

Lydia said...

Hey thanks guys!

Amy C said...

Congrats on the new baby! Your family is so cute! Your boys look like their dad! I hope you don't mind, I'm adding you to my blog. Let me know if that's not ok.
Amy Cowley

Anonymous said...

Lydia, I am so glad you found me on facebook!!!! Now I can stay updated on your life!! Congrats on the 3 kids! I am about to have my 3rd in May. All girls! I also married a Stephen.... great people. I would love to hear more!

Anonymous said...

ps my website is

April said...

I love that picture of you right after you had Bentley, I have to say it is one of my favorites. You are beautiful! And Bentley is such an angel, I can't wait to see her again and kiss those cheeks.