Saturday, March 08, 2008

What's on your mind?

It is about 4:00 AM. I just fed Bentley, and find myself restless. My thoughts are too loud. What's on your mind you ask? Well, nobody asked, but I am going to share it anyhow. Yesterday I overheard someone make this comment: "I could care less." For some reason I cannot stop thinking about what she meant by that sentence. She was speaking about a topic that she no longer wanted to give any thought. She was tired of dealing with it and wanted it known that she was done and COULDN'T care less. I wanted to lean over to her and say, "you mean, you couldn't care less, right? Saying that she could care less does in fact mean that she could going on caring about the subject more than she did right at that moment. For some reason I seem to notice when people use the word 'could' instead of 'couldn't' in that phrase. I always have to restrain myself from correcting them. Why? Why do I care? I know what was meant by the phrase. Get over it and GO TO SLEEP!


Gel said...

I know what you mean. I think that it has something to do with taking too many classes with Ms. Beckwith. I don't know. I love your new fancy background by the way.

brookiebaby said...

Ha Ha! It could have for sure been the lasting impression that Ms. Beckwith leaves on people! :) I loved her classes! So, quick question, how do you get cute little pictures (like the one with the question marks)? I don't get how to do it without cutting it and pasting it into paint. I guess I"m not so blog-savvy after all! :) ANd I will work on not being so motivating in my blogs...and beetch a little more (see not a cus word!)

Lydia said...

gel- Thanks. I found it on

brookiebaby- I am probably not the best person to ask about using pictures from the web. I never know exactly what the rules are. But when I see a picture that I want to use, I click on it to bring it up on it's own page. Then, I copy the URL. When you are creating a post there is a picture next to the check spelling icon. It is to add images. Paste the address where it says URL. You can decide from there how you want it to appear on the post. If this doesn't make sense, please keep in mind that I have been awake since 3:30 AM. I am not firing with all cylinders. Email me if you have any more questions

Lydia said...

Oh a word of caution for posting pictures, sometimes they are too big and blogger can't handle them. At that point I can't remember exactly what steps to take. I think that when that I have saved it to my computer and made it smaller, then pulled it from there.

If you want, I can ask Stephen's supergeek brother Brad, he knows everything. (I am calling him supergeek with the fondest of affections.)

Tiffany said...

Looks like we were on the same website today! I love cute backgrounds.

You are funny. I totally do the same thing. Right now my entire family is sleeping at the SAME TIME and what am I doing . . . sitting in front of the computer because my mind won't stop thinking!

4 am feedings . . . fun stuff eh?

Lydia said...

Tiff- Yeah, I am loving getting up in the middle of the night. Arggg. The thing is, she is really good. She eats and goes right back to sleep. Remi would be up for hours crying. The problem lies with me. I get thinking about bills. Stupid! I am crazy.