Thursday, February 15, 2007


Remi discovers my mascara.

Hunter went on his first deer hunt.

My brother's girlfriend had a baby girl. He always has beautiful dark haired babies.

Remi also discovered that he loves the margarine. I know that this picture looks strangely familiar. I haven't learned my lesson of not leaving him unattended.

Our family photo

Also, we bought our first home. It is an old brick house, built in 1931. It has a lot of character. We are really excited about it. Currently we are deciding what to do with the flooring. There is wood in it. We would have to refinish it and it will look incredibly rustic. We can't decide what to do. More to follow.


Tiffany said...

Oh Lydee,

You are back!! Hooray, I have been wondering how you have been or if you dropped off the face of the earth. Good to hear you are doing well.

You all look great, very jealous about Hunter's first deer hunt, sniff, no boys.
Remi looks so much like his big brother, besides covered in margerine.
Congrats on the house, that is huge.

Email me!!!

Kadee, Dustan, and the Kids said...

Hey! Pictures are so cute!! Angie has got me all in to this now too so i peeked at yours while i was looking at hers and your kids are so so cute! Hope all is well.
Kadee Denton