Friday, August 22, 2008

Daily Affirmation

I deserve good things. I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am an attractive person. I am fun to be with. I'm going to do a terrific show today! And I'm gonna help people! Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!


brookiebaby said...

I love that skit on SNL! :) But truthfully affirmations work. I used to have my "at-risk" kids do that daily in the mirror, and I really think it helped them start their days. :) Hope that you're doing well with the big move! You and tiff should come visit when life slows down!!! LUVS!

Unknown said...

Wow. I cant believe you moved so fast. Call me with your new number. That is great you finally got back to Delta, Im really happy for you guys. Hows Hunter liking the first grade? Call me when you get a minute.