Most of my running has been shaped by running coach Jason Fitzgerald of I cannot say enough good about him, I really can't. So to avoid becoming overly attentive in my praise, I'll suffice to say, he knows his shit, and if he doesn't know it, he'll find someone that does.
First off I want to remind anyone reading this that I am an amatuer runner. I'm not overly fast and I'm not perfect. What I have been doing is what works for me. I hope you find something that works for you.
The journey started over 3 years ago, when a good friend of mine, Lena asked me to start running with her. I had recently quit my full time job, to be a stay at home mom of 3 young kids. I was so desperate to get out of the house that I would have joined in just about anything......even scrapbooking. I just wanted to be around adult and not dealing with me and my fattness. We followed the "Couch potato to 5k" program faithfully and ran our first 5k on June 7, 2008 in Sringville, Utah. Our time was 36 minutes. We didn't walk once and I was elated! The NEXT month we ran our first half marathon together. Lena had just found out that she was pregnant and pulled back to run slower. I finished in 2hrs 35 mins. I was in so much pain after that half that I pretty much stopped running and got a little fatter. I ran off and on until I found myself nursing and pregnant with baby #4. (No, I'm not a member of the le leche league and yes I do realize that nursing is not a solid form of birth control. hahaha) I only gained about 3 pounds with this pregnancy and after giving birth to a 9 pound baby my weight settled in at about 235. We moved houses and towns and I found another big girl name Marinda that was ready to roll with running. I felt that the "Couch potato to 5k" program was an excellent place to begin again. It helped me mentally and physically prepare to run further. This time running came a lot easier for me. We started running in February and again I ran the same half marathon I had 2 years earlier in July....with a time of 2hr35mins. I was frustrated and hurting, but not as bad as I was the first time. I continued to run, because I was falling in love with it. I also joined Weight Watchers. I had lost about 10 pounds from the months of running, but needed to get my eating in shape. I thought then, and I tell everyone now that I can eat my way out of any workout. Eating is the most essential part of being healthy.
I hired Jason in late September, early October. At that time my lower legs throbbed almost constantly. I wore my shoes with orthodox in them constantly. Jason had me start doing feet exercises and leg exercises and slowly increased my strength. I don't recall when I got rid of the orthodox, but it was probably in 3 or 4 months into training. Slow progress, but solid. The first thing I learned from Jason Fitzgerald was to be patient! I think it has paid off. I laugh when people ask me how I have gotten to be where I am. They are usually looking for a quick easy fix. It didn't happen for me. I was content to let things happen as they did. My weight has come off slowly and the running has increased even slower.
Your Awesome Lydia! I love you!
Ok... really. We all want to see your after picture:) You can't show a before, but no after. You are amazing, and you should be flaunting your pix everywhere, cause youve worked your butt off. I'm super proud of you, and I consider you to be one of my biggest inspirations:) Love ya!
Incredible. Very honored and humbled to be a part of your journey!
Stephen thinks I should have put that he gave me butterflies, not Josh Bacon. Whoops!
Mmmmmm.....smells like bacon. :)
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