Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pity party for me

I have been so restless lately. We were planning on moving this weekend, until about a month ago, now we are not moving until August. Okay, I know it is only a few months, I'm a big baby, blah blah blah. I just want to go somewhere, even if only for a visit. It has become very clear to me that my life is pretty uneventful and boring. In February, my brother-in-law Eric got married. He went on a wonderful cruise. Another brother-in-law, Brad went to Boston with his little wife (I really would love to see that part of the U.S.) Last month I had some friends that went to Europe for a couple of weeks. Then, my parents went to Costa Rica, I have had two friends go to Hawaii, and the youngest brother-in-law Spencer is getting married this weekend and going on the same cruise Eric went on. Stephen and I, by the way, had about $30 to our name when we got married and went snow boarding, only because another brother in law, Andy (there are 4) bought us lift tickets. I am even jealous of two people I don't know. Ian, a fellow blogger, has traveled half way across the world to get a little lovin from his lady. And this other blogger, 49words, is going to Amsterdam for a freakin bachelor's party, only if he can sell his soul to the devil. Which actually makes me feel a little better. Misery loves company, what can I say? So come on people, cheer me up a little, I need some miserable news.


Tiffany said...

Wyoming, Wal-Mart, stay-at-home mom . . . that's my life, I can sympathize!

Hmmm . . . the coolest place I have been since I have been married is Yellowstone ( which is still in WY). Enough said.

Luchy72 said...

I suspect the only reason I am allowed to go to Amsterdam is because when I get back, my wife will have the perfect moment to drop the hammer and say "Did you have fun? Did you get it out of your system? Good. Because that was it, you're done having fun now."

Lydia said...

Tiff - True true true. I met your friend Jessica. She was very helpful. I forgot she was coming over and was in my pajamas at 7:30 PM, just to prove that fact that I have no life.

49words - Well, you better have as much fun as possible. Will you have all the weed out of your system by the time you get home to your wife? hehehe.

SJ said...

It was most definately worth the trip ;)

Amsterdam rocks. (That's not something you can buy there in a cafe by the way hahaha) :)

Lydia said...

Ian - I'm glad that you have been having a good time ;0

Vixen said...

Let's swap. You can have my single, fabulous traveling life and I get your stable, boring home life!

I've been longing for a man and some kids, so if we swap, we both get what we want. ;-)

Lydia said...

Vixen - Thanks for the offer. I seriously might consider it. I'll let you know.

Lydia said...

Gel - We just decided to go to Costa Rica next summer. Also, my inlaws just invited us to go to Mexico with them next year sometime. I don't think we can do both, but of course they have to come at the same time. Oh well, what can ya do?