Sunday, June 18, 2006

Screaming Baby!

Right now I am sitting here listening to Remi cry himself to sleep. I have tried so hard this year to keep him on a good schedule like good moms do yada yada yada. He takes a nap every day at 11 AM. It is so nice, except on Sundays. Our church starts at 11 AM. Bad time, no question. Most of the kids there are not happy. I never notice because I can't hear them over Remi's screams of frustration. Today is Father's Day. Everyone at church is trying to have a nice day and we bring Remi, what a joke!

sidenote: Remi has this high pitch squeal that he makes if he is happy, mad, sad, angry, whatever. It is ear piercing and so high that I cannot think of a comparable sound.

Regardless, we are trying to do what we think is good by taking the damn kids to church. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Today I am in a particularly good mood, so I am sitting in church trying to be a good example for Hunter, but I have the giggles. Hunter keeps singing, "Let's get this party started in here." Remi keeps throwing his head back and hitting the pew in front of his, every time he screams. Then he decides that he wants a crayon, or the entire case of crayons. This is not a good thing, so I take them away, and he screams. It is all very comical. Stephen finally leans over and tells me to take Remi home and put him down for a nap. He can't handle his irreverent family. hehehe Happy Father's Day dad!


Tiffany said...

Holy Cow, that sounds almost identical to my sunday . . . every sunday! Only try it alone every week! At least you get to have Stephen there, enjoy it while it lasts.

It is so hard to "set a good example" and go to church not only for you but your kids ( who love church ) but when that first hour is such a struggle ... sheesh!

Luckily I ommited Maddy's 11 am nap, so we no longer deal with that battle, but still I know what ya mean.

Lydia said...

Yeah, I am trying to enjoy everything with him while it lasts. I don't know how I am going to handle doing everything by myself all the time. I have been so spoiled having him around. He does so much!

Mi'Chelle said...

HEE HEE! I love it. Naptime at our house is at 1:00. Our church starts at 1:00. It's ugly. We usually leave after sacrament meeting. Last week we tried to stay, but the nursery people wound up bringing Brie back to me, cause she was a bit "unruly". So it's pretty pointless to go, I think.

I'm glad to hear that someone else has the same kind of situation.

And, P.S., I miss your guts. SEriously. Some lady in the neighborhood invited me over, and I was like, "cool -- a friend". Not cool. It was way too much work and way too much trying to be friends, and it made me miss you like nothing else. Maybe Stephen can manage the Centerville Walmart, and we can be neighbor buddies. Pretty please?

Alrighty then.

Luchy72 said...

My babies have neither structured naptime (any time is fine with me), nor church (any god is fine with me). Am I still allowed to hang around?

Lydia said...

Meesh - I hate having to "work" at being friends with people. I'm surprised that anyone would have to try to be friends with you. That seems crazy. I miss your guts too. :)

49words - Sounds like the perfect situation. You are in!

Lydia said...

Gel- I think the main reason Stephen comes home from work each day is because he is afraid for the children's lives. By about 8 PM I hate everyone and everything. He has to be here to protect them.

evenwhenimhappy said...

Okay so I'm having the same problem. I put "screaming baby that won't nap" in the search engine and your blog came up! My son has just turned one and every time I have to put him down for a nap he screams himself to sleep!!! Is there any hope that this will stop???

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