Saturday, January 24, 2009

Heath on Saturday Night Live Dream

This guy Heath is pretty funny. Click on the link to see him on YouTube.

He would love to get on Saturday Night Live. SNL has to be my all time favorite program. I am very passionate about it. I found Heath on Suzanne Calton's blog. He does some great impressions. If you think he is funny, pass the word along. I'm sure he would appreciate it. Funny people like to make people laugh even when they are not present to see it.


Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.
-..W. H. Auden


Gel said...

Thanks for posting this Lydia!! I know you have lots of readers and he will appreciate it. Heath is freaking hilarious!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh Lydia, most sincerely, you are the coolest! No wonder why you and Gel are such good friends!

And I love the quote too. And why aren't you a columnist yet girl?!