Monday, October 10, 2005

Rough Day

The day started out bad. 5:15 AM: Yuck, too early to work out and then go walking. I'll work out after walking and sleep 30 more minutes. 5:45 AM: I hate life and my friends that I walk with. They are torturing me on purpose and are probably enjoying it too. 6:05 AM: It is freakin' cold and I am hoping that today will be a no show, I can go home and get back in bed...mmm nice warm bed. 6:06 AM: "Lydia!" Damn, Kim is up and ready to walk too. I think she is a maniac. 6:20 AM: We are turning the corner to head up to 4th east. I really like Kim. She always has so many insightful things to tell me about life and grown up stuff. What a good day this will be. I will go home, lift weights, shower and be ready for the kids when they wake up. Yes! What a way to start my day. 6:45 AM: Remi is up with Stephen. Little snot. I think Stephen probably woke him up on purpose, just to drain my day. 7:30 AM: Remi is still up and now so is his partner in crime. Hunter wants pancakes again. Not my favorite anymore. 8:00 AM: The day is starting to look up for me. Remi went to sleep. Finally I can get something done around my pigsty. 8:30 AM: Don't get too excited he's awake again. I am starting to really really dislike this day. No sleeping at all, why won't someone teach this boy about sleeping for extended periods of time. Am I being punished for that one time in college? 12:00 PM: Stephen finally decides to come home for a few minutes to help me out. Not likely, he is just here to eat. He does however feed the baby. Brownie points for him. Nice break. 12:45 PM: Please don't leave me, please, please, please. He tells me that he has to. We need money to pay the bills or some crap like that. He is also in on the conspiracy. 1:15 PM Redemption is near. Remi is asleep again. 1:30 PM: Still asleep this might really work. Maybe I can do some of my things for work. Probably not, he will be up again soon. 2:15 PM: Sleeping, what a good little boy. Maybe he really does love me. 2:30 PM: Not likely. Why? I ask myself. What is your deal? I ask him. I am hoping that he is teething, otherwise I am selling him on the black market. Anyway, it has been a rough day!

1 comment:

Mi'Chelle said...

Oh, Lydee. Poor girl. Why are babies so mean? They make terrible decisions that really hinder their mommy's lifestyles, don't they?

I am laughing my gutties out over the "am I being punished for that one thing in college?" I have to ask "am I being punished for those two years of college?"

YOu're hee-larious.

Love ya!